Core Features

Chilli Nova (formerly Shoepack) is a fully integrated enterprise MRP system for the manufacturing industry. Our target market is a company that has outgrown their manual systems, spreadsheets and internal home grown systems and need to move to the next level. To cater for companies of various sizes and structure, the product is very easy to configure to meet your existing business processes. We do NOT tell you how to run your business; we will advise on best practices and focus on configuring our software to meet your needs.

Fully Integrated System

Replace spreadsheet software with a our fully integrated system that caters to multi-tier bills of materials, allows for flexible work ticket creation, and tracks progress with scanners.

The result of our system is that at any time the system will give you suggestions on what you need to purchase, when you need to raise the purchase order taking into consideration:

These suggestions can be converted directly into purchase orders

Real Time MRP

This is the purpose of our product, to give you instant information regarding potential delivery issues. We do this using our proprietary MRP engine which processes any/all data that is changing as and when it happens, then email relevant person(s) if any potential problems are identified. All transactions are recorded by user, date and time.


The system will instantly notify you of raw material critical shortages via email if a data change results in a demand that cannot be met, considerations are:

Usability and Reporting

There is no point in giving you a system to ‘simplify control’ if it’s hard to set up, configure and most importantly use. We strive for simplicity, and this is considered in every application we release; data is presented cleanly when and where it’s needed and can be output to excel where required. In addition to this we will assist a budding programmer to access and query the database to produce your own internal custom reports.

Bill of Material

Our system gives you an indication of the aesthetic appearance and how flexible the configuration caters for sizes, brands, unit of measure, components, stock types and Sub-Categories. Touch points can be enabled to integrate seamlessly with your chosen accounting software.

Stock Management and Accounting

The factories nightmare is the residual stocks that never seem to end. Wouldn’t it be great to know what excess stocks you may have with Chilli Nova before they happen?

Maintaining good stock in your warehouse is crucial for a business. Our software can cater for all sizes and different orders, which reduces the need for excessive stock holding. 

Cash flow is one of the most important aspects of doing business. There are many ways to manage cash flow to avoid mistakes, but following these few steps can help avoid excessive stock on hand: provisional costs can be created to end MRP and take care of procurement; forecast orders can be loaded so MRP can have a heads up on long lead time materials; and sample orders can be processed through the system. With less missed orders, your business will be a model for success. We also cater for production orders.


We have the technical expertise to write additional custom application or interfaces with 3rd party software. The system can be scaled up or down at any time.