Manufacturing software for businesses of all sizes.

Our MRP system gives you easier access to information and keeps you in control, saving you time and money, improving your efficiency, increasing your business performance and driving profits.

Key Modules

About Chilli Nova

Chilli Nova is a fully integrated enterprise MRP system for the manufacturing industry. Our target market is a company that has outgrown their manual systems, spreadsheets and internal home grown systems and need to move to the next level.

Our competitive edge is that our software was developed in an industry where multi tier BoM’s and sized finished products and raw materials were the order of the day; the result of this is we have a product which caters perfectly to complex industries 

Why choose our system

We have focused on industries with high complexity of BoM’s with multi tiers, both sized raw materials and sized finished goods; most companies shy away from what we take in our stride.

Click here to download our full list of features.

Grow your business in 6 easy steps



It all starts by listening to your requirements and providing honest feedback to whether our software would be a good fit for your business.



A demonstration would be set up, ideally using one of your own BoM’s so as well as presenting the system, we are simulating yours.



Gap analysis would be carried out and any areas that need to be addressed, discussed and agreed so that expectations are agreed by both parties.



A proposal which includes an estimated timeline and cost would be provided.



On agreement of proposal the implementation is scheduled.


Training and After Sales

Ongoing support, training & regular upgrades

Ready to get started?

If you have any questions about Chilli Nova and how it could work for you please get in touch, one of our experts will contact you as soon as possible.